Camp Expense Manual

CSC Sail Camp Expenses

CSC will reimburse staff and volunteers for authorized purchases made to facilitate Sail Camp operations.  All such purchases must be authorized in advance by the Sail Camp Director, Shore Director or Head Instructor.  Purchases over $300 must be authorized in writing (letter, email or text).  Reimbursement for unauthorized purchases is at the discretion of the CSC Board of Directors, and such purchases are made at your personal risk.

When making the purchase, a copy of the Tennessee Department of Revenue Certificate of Exemption for CSC (effective July 1, 2023) should be completed and presented to the vendor.  This will allow the purchase to be made free of sales tax.

In order to be reimbursed, the expense claim form must be completed and turned in to the CSC Treasurer within 30 days of the purchase.  Copies of receipts for all goods or invoices for all services must accompany the claim.  A check will be written and forwarded to you at the soonest possible time.