Land Drill – Quiz Questions

Instructors should be able to answer most, if not all of these questions. Ask if there are difficulties.

Level 1 Skills

List 4 different indicators of wind direction.

Give a use for the following knots: Figure 8, cleat hitch, square (reef) knot.

Describe the difference between the following cleats: cam, jam, clam, horn.

Rank the following in order of right of way: sailboat, motorboat, barge, kayak, capsized.

Describe three ways to stop/slow a sailboat.

List 5 things to check before leaving the dock.  (Ans: weather forecast, wind direction, wind strength, PFD, plugs, sails, rigging, safety equipment)

Describe or draw the safety position.

Level 2 Skills

Give a use for the following knots: bowline, sheet bend, clove hitch.

What’s the difference between a knot, a bend and a hitch?  (Ans: knot is a single line, bend is two separate lines, hitch ties off to something else)

When is a square knot actually a square bend? (Ans: when you use two ends of the same line)

Draw and label the points of sail with proper sail trim.

Draw your boat and name as many parts as possible.

List the steps to complete a proper tack (Ans: look, push tiller, step across, face forwards, flip tiller extension, reach behind with sheet hand, sit on new side, grab tiller with sheet hand, grab sheet with tiller hand).

When two sailboats approach each other on opposite tacks, who has right of way?

When two sailboats approach each other on the same tack, who has right of way?

Level 3 Skills

Describe the following mast configurations:  catboat, sloop, ketch, yawl, schooner.

Describe the following sail configurations:  Marconi, gaff rig, square rig, spritsail, wishbone, lateen, wing.

When does a boat start racing?  (Ans: from the preparatory signal – two minutes to go in a three minute sequence).

What is the difference between a lift and a header?

What are the four fundamental racing rules (RRS 10-13)?  (Ans: port/stbd, wind/lee, ahead/behind, while tacking).

What are the four basic limitations on the fundamental rules (RRS 14-17)?  (Ans: avoid collisions, initially give room to keep clear, give room when changing direction, maintain proper course when passing to leeward).

How big is the Zone around a mark?

When two boats are approaching a Mark Zone on the same tack, who has right of way?

Level 4 Skills

What is the difference between strategy and tactics?

What is VMG?

Describe the basic differences between fleet racing, match racing and team racing.

Describe the tactical differences between covering and splitting.

How do you determine the favored end of a starting line?

What should you do when approaching the leeward mark as the only boat?

What should you do when approaching the leeward mark as the inside boat?

What should you do when approaching the leeward mark as the outside boat?

List three things that count as obstructions.

List three things that do not count as obstructions.