Anyone in the Knoxville community can enjoy sailing and sailing-related activities at CYC!
Come out, learn to sail, and enjoy sailing-related activities at CYC by participating in programs offered through Concord Sailing Center (CSC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to sailing-related community outreach.
Click on the tabs below to explore our educational opportunities
Sail Camp
Welcome to Sail Camp 2025! Registration will open March 1.
CSC invites old friends and new campers alike for a great summer of sailing! Summers on the lake are a great way to spend a childhood – or a lifetime.

Please fill out the registration form as soon as possible after March 1 to reserve a place in the program. To maintain the highest quality of instruction possible, there is a limit to the number of campers that we can accept for each session and applications are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. (Note: CYC members’ children and grandchildren are given registration priority until April 1st.) Cost of camp includes a variety of possible discounts and you will find that information listed below. Do not delay sending the application.
Follow the registration form link on this page and complete the form to register your camper. You will receive a confirmation email immediately. After manually confirming your information we will send you an invoice by email which you can pay by check or online. Instructions for online payments will be in the email. Payment will consist of a $50 non-refundable deposit due immediately and the balance of the payment due by May 18 (Parent Meeting). Registrations made after the Parent Meeting are not eligible for discounts. All payments must be made in full before attending camp. We’ve had to start waiting lists the last couple of years, and priority will be given to those who have already paid in full.
Parent Volunteers will be required to check the calendar for available slots and specify their top two choices. Our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to confirm your date and time.
Sail Camp is open to all children 8-16 years old. The only requirements are that they have an interest in sailing and MUST demonstrate the ability to swim 50 yards, using any stroke and without life jacket, in sailing clothing, including shoes. Sailing instruction is provided for beginners through advanced levels by US Sailing certified instructors. The instructors are assisted by Teaching Assistants and Volunteers from the Concord Yacht Club and UT Sailing Club. All off-water activities such as lunches, snacks, and afternoon games, are organized and supervised by our Shore Director. A fleet of Optimist, Fusion, Open Skiffs and Club420 sailboats are used for on-the-water sail training.
The 2025 Sail Camp is offering four, one-week sessions in June. Sail Camp hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Please arrive each morning in sufficient time to allow everyone to have their temperature checked at the door.
Tuition rates are all-inclusive and we offer a variety of discount packages. This covers one week of instruction, refreshments, snacks, a camp T-shirt and a group photo. Campers must provide their own lunches.
Several discounts are available to reduce the total cost of enrollment. All discounts expire at the Parents’ Meeting unless paid in full prior to this time. Any fees paid after this time, including late registrations, are not eligible for discounts.
We welcome parents to assist us with on-shore support, boat maintenance, errands, general help, snack and lunchtime supervision, and afternoon activities. Parent Volunteers will receive a $40 discount off the tuition fees. We are asking parents who wish to volunteer to sign up for a one half-day (4 hours) time slot per week for each camper they register. Parent volunteers are asked to check for available time slots on the Volunteers Page. Volunteers who are willing and able to come for more than a single slot are always welcome but do not receive additional discounts.
CYC members receive a $40 discount off the tuition fee for each child or grandchild registered in the program.
“Junior Members” are any campers who participated in a CSC program within the last year, such as Sail Camp, Youth Sailing, High School Sailing or Sea Scouts. Junior Members receive a $40 discount off of each session.
Campers also receive a $40 discount for each additional session they register for. This discount applies to their second (and third) sessions.
CYC Member: -$40.00
Junior Member: -$40.00
Parent Volunteer: -$40.00
Multiple Sessions: -$40.00
A limited number of full and partial need-based scholarships are available, with preference given to first-time campers. For additional information, contact us at, indicating “Scholarship Request” in the subject line.
Mailing Address
Sail Camp
P.O. Box 22781
Knoxville, TN 37933
More STEM for 2025
Our first ever STEM course was a huge success last year. We are excited to be able to offer it again in 2025. This is a 4-day STEM course for campers ages 10-14. This is scheduled for 9am-4:30pm during the week after our regular sail camp when the winds become less reliable (June 30-July 3, 2025). Our Head Instructor, Dr. Brian Howell, will lead the class through a program including classes and experiments in wind, buoyancy, sail shape, boat design, pulleys, levers, propellers and hydrofoils.
In addition to being a US Sailing Level 1 certified instructor, Brian is a retired engineering professor and naval architect, so we’re very excited to have him leading this effort.
We don’t expect to spend much time on the water, but students are still required to bring sunscreen, swimwear and PFDs; in addition to pens, notebooks, a refillable water bottle and their own lunch. Snacks will be provided mid-morning and afternoon.
Class size is limited to 15 students. Registration will be through the same form as sail camp. Just choose week 5 as your option. The course fee is a flat $250 per camper. Additional information is included in the Parent Handbook.
2025 Summer Sessions
Week 1: June 2-6
Week 2: June 9-13
Week 3: June 16-20
Week 4: June 23-27
Tuition: $400 per session
Week 5: June 30-July 3 (STEM)
Tuition: $250 per session
Remember to read the Parent Handbook if you are new to Sail Camp, it will answer many of your questions. For additional questions or concerns contact:
Jeff Gamey
Become a Sponsor!
Sail Camp is an entirely self-funded program in search of sponsors. If you would like to donate to our program, we have several avenues through which we can recognize your contribution including on t-shirts and brochures, at awards dinners and through our online presence and social media.

Adult Learn to Sail – Keelboats and Dinghies

Learn-to-Sail classes are designed for adults with little or no sailing experience. The only pre-requisite is that you must be able to swim 50 yards without a life jacket (a swimming test is conducted on the first night of class). All Adult Learn-to-Sail classes are run by Concord Sailing Center (CSC), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
There are two types of US Sailing classes offered: Basic Keelboat and Small Boat/Dinghy. Read more about each course below:
Adult Basic Keelboat Course
The Spring 2024 Basic Keelboat Class runs two sessions: May 6th – June 7, meeting every Monday and Friday 5:30-8:30pm (May 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 31, June 3, and test night June 7th), and May 7- June 4, meeting every Tuesday and Thursday 5:30-8:30pm (May 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, and June 4th.

The Basic Keelboat Certification is the first stepping stone in US Sailing’s Keelboat Certification System.
The course will be taught in Catalina 22s by certified US Sailing instructors and will include evening instruction. One additional day at the conclusion of the course will include a written test, knot-tying test, and sailing skills test. Students who successfully complete US Sailing’s basic keelboat certification class will be able to responsibly skipper and crew a daysailing keelboat in familiar waters in light to moderate wind conditions.
Skills taught during the course:
- Rigging and de-rigging the boat
- Starting, stopping, and controlling boat speed while sailing
- Leaving and returning to the dock.
- Using sail controls
- Tacking, jibing, and getting out of the no-go-zone
- Sailing around a set course
- Basic navigation rules
- The heave-to maneuver
- Depowering sails
- Overboard recovery methods
- and more…
Adult Small Boat/Dinghy Course
The Fall 2024 Dinghy Class runs September 5th through September 26th, meeting every Monday and Thursday 5:30-8:00pm (Sep 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, and 26).

For those who want to learn to sail smaller boats, consider the Adult Learn-to-Sail course small boat/dinghy course. The small group class is taught by certified US Sailing instructors and includes evening instruction.
Skills taught during the course:
- Rigging and de-rigging a small sailboat
- How to right a capsized boat (this is a crucial skill for small boat sailors and we’ll practice this on the first night of class so be prepared to get in the water)
- Leaving and returning to the dock
- Starting, stopping and controlling boat speed while sailing
- Tacking, jibing and getting out of the no-go zone
- Sailing around a set course
- Basic navigation rules
- Knot tying, and more!
PLEASE NOTE: Good swimming skills are required for this class (a swim test will be conducted on the first night). Dinghy sailing also involves moving around a boat that will lean from side to side, being able to pull yourself back into the boat from the water, and being able to duck and move beneath the boom as the boat turns. (If you enjoy activities like being in a kayak or balancing on a stand-up paddleboard, then small boat sailing may be for you.)
Adult-Learn-to-Sail Course Registration
Registration for both courses are offered on a first-come, first-served basis – there is no waiting list. If space is available, you will receive an email confirming your place in class when we receive your registration materials. Due to extenuating circumstances, classes will not be offered this Fall. Please check back in March 2025 for our next offerings.
No refunds will be made for students who cancel less than two weeks prior to the first night of class.
Class | Cost |
Basic Keelboat | $575* |
Small Boat/Dinghy | $450* |
Registration & Payment
Registration opens July 22 for the dinghy class only
Please complete the registration form above, then mail a printed copy of your email registration confirmation along with your check (payable to Concord Sailing Center) to:
Sandra Ford-Johnson
Post Office Box 30202, Knoxville TN 37930
Sandra Ford-Johnson
865.599.0751 (If no answer, please leave a message.)
High School Sailing

Concord Sailing Center offers opportunities for area high schools and high-school-aged groups to participate in sailing under the supervision of US Sailing-certified instructors. Practice sessions typically take place on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30 to 6:00 PM at Concord Yacht Club from September-October, and then again from March-May. Program fees vary by school, with CSC welcoming participation on both the club and team levels. See additional details and answers to commonly asked questions below.
High School Sailing Program Mission
- To provide the next natural step in continuing sailing education for young sailors who have already gained an interest in sailing and have learned some of the basic techniques through prior participation in CSC’s Sail Camp.
- To offer a safe, structured, and engaging program through which local high school students can easily and affordably learn the basics of sailing.
- To introduce the sport of sailboat racing to young or novice sailors to improve their sailing skills and to teach them the Racing Rules of Sailing.
- To provide experienced sailors with advanced training and exposure to highly competitive racing against schools from other areas, to expand the scope of their skills and experience, and to promote friendships with other sailors both in and outside the Knoxville area.
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information and current program details, contact High School Sailing Coordinator André Terry (
UT Sailing

Concord Yacht Club provides facilities to host the activities of the Sailing Club at the University of Tennessee as part of its commitment to advance the sport of sailing in the Knoxville community.
For more information on the Sailing Club at UT, check out the links to Facebook and VOLink here on this page.
Note: The UT Sailing Club is independent of Concord Yacht Club and uses its facilities and boats as part of CYC’s commitment to community outreach.

Sea Scouts
Want to sail all year? Join the Sea Scouts!

For over 100 years, Sea Scouting has promoted better citizenship and improved boating skills in water safety, outdoor, social, and service experiences, and broadening knowledge of maritime heritage.
Sea Scout units are called Ships, and Concord Yacht Club hosts Ship 300. Joining Ship 300 will provide opportunities you won’t find anywhere else, including adventure, personal growth, adventure, and long-lasting friendships.
Sea Scout Pillars
(adapted from
- Seamanship. The best part of Sea Scouts is cruising and mastering the skills you learn with your shipmates. On board a vessel, you share hands-on experiences as helmsman and navigator, lookout and cook, sail handler and engineer.
- Scouting. Sea Scouts is youth-led and adult-mentored. You and your shipmates lead your Sea Scout program. Elected youth leaders plan and conduct the program and adult leaders guide and support your efforts as you learn important leadership and life skills. As you gain experience you will have the opportunity to contribute as a leader in your ship. Sea Scouts are recognized and rewarded for the things they learn and do. You can earn valuable certifications in SCUBA, boating safety, lifesaving, and CPR, as well as advance in rank from Apprentice to Quartermaster. Each certification and level of advancement marks your growth as a sailor and a leader.
- Service. Sea Scouts take service very seriously. Sea Scouts perform various kinds of service from service to their ship, to community service. They participate in service such as river or beach clean-up, food drives, and other programs to benefit youth. Sea Scouts also participate in flag ceremonies and serve as honor guards at various community events.
- Social. Sea Scouts provides opportunities to share experiences with other young people who share common interests. As your ship participates in sailing regattas, rowing races, and other activities, you’ll learn and grow with your shipmates. You’ll even have the opportunity to meet Sea Scouts from other parts of your community, the nation, and even the world!
Learn More about the Sea Scouts
Join the Sea Scouts!

Sea Scouts is open to all genders ages 14 to 21 (or age 13 if in the 8th grade).
Ship 300 currently meets on Sundays at 2:30 pm at CYC. Membership fees are minimal and very affordable (including a mandatory one-dollar premium for accident insurance). Interested? Reach out to join our group today.
Shawna Cox & Ann Zimmerman
US Coast Guard Captain’s Class

CYC proudly hosts the annual US Coast Guard Captain’s License Class every February. The class is open to anyone wanting to obtain their US Coast Guard Captain’s License or renewal. Classes, when they are scheduled, can be found on the CYC club calendar.
TrueCourse Captain’s School is US Coast Guard approved and based out of Dayton, Ohio. For information regarding courses, fees, or registration please contact TrueCourse.
- OUPV 6 Pack
- Upgrade to Master
- Renewal of License
- Auxiliary Sail
- Tow Assistance
- Launch Tender
- Marine Radio Operator
- USCG Physical Exam
- Drug Screening
- First Aid/CPR
- First Mates Class
1450 David Road
Dayton, OH 45429